
Custom Wallpaper for Businesses: Enhance Your Brand with Wallpaper Print on Demand

A business space is no longer a work-only facility with all the relevant supplements to do the job; ideally, it is a personalized environment that stimulates the creativity and productivity of the workers and establishes a proper collaborative atmosphere with partners and customers. Multiple aspects of performance require a differentiated approach to space design.

One of the easiest ways to transform the office space is wallpapers, yet not the conventional pattern available at every E-store, but wallpaper print on demand, fully customized to the business brand culture, and style. Let’s learn how to choose the right wallpapers for creating a consistent business image across both online and offline forms of presence.

A properly organized business space redefines the whole workflow, elevating its efficiency and creativity. Let’s learn the most important aspects to consider.

How To Create Customized Wallpapers?

  1. Space Zoning

Gone are the days of office cubicles, where all the employees simply performed their duties separated from each other. Nowadays, the open space is in trend with designated zones – a breakout area, collaborative space, sales and marketing area, customer zone, focus area, and a meeting zone. While seemingly divided, the workers still feel united by one goal.

Print-on-demand wallpapers enable designers to have full freedom of choice and customization. Depending on the room’s purpose, they can choose relevant patterns and add personalized touches – be it a brand logo or photos of the team building.

When all the rooms feature company-dedicated images, it creates company consistency, making the workers feel a part of a big community.

  1. Customer Area

Business spaces often feature a customer-dedicated area, which deserves a closer look due to the impression it makes on the customers.


The reception zone is a bit different from other business spaces, as it sets the tone for further collaboration, and should strictly follow the company’s brand guidelines. The colors, the logo, and the overall atmosphere in the room should send the right message to the customers as if speaking on behalf of their owner.

Make sure you choose the right colors (rather neutral and classy), and complement them with accent walls and appropriate coloring, patterns, logos, mottos, etc.

  1. Color Scheme

The color palette for the office should complement every room’s function and the company’s culture. It is important to consider the psychology behind every color, as well as align it with brand identity.

With the help of customizable wallpapers, there will be no problem with adjusting the patterns to the company’s needs. The manufacturer will help you choose any color and shade, making it the right fit for the atmosphere.

  1. Durability

Durability is one of the major characteristics of wallpapers as offices feature uninterrupted activities – moving chairs, leaning against the walls, scrapes and scuffs, liquid sprinkles, etc. Therefore, the wallpaper material should be washable, fire-proof, sunlight- and scratch-resistant.

With customizable wallpapers, the clients can choose high-quality wall covers combined with personalized patterns.

  1. Sustainability

Sustainability is the major trend nowadays, which targets all the forms and spheres of business functioning, from manufacturing facilities and supply chains to the usage of office materials, including wallpapers.


Make sure the customizable wallpapers are made of natural materials, contain non-toxic inks, and feature relevant safety certification.

How To Find The Right Customizable Wallpaper Supplier?

Customized wallpaper will transform the business space as if by magic, yet it takes time to find a reliable supplier. Pay attention to the most important aspects:

  1. Selection of wallpapers – the more they have on offer, the better, as the ability to choose provides full freedom of design regarding the patterns and material of the wallpaper.
  2. Budget – customizable wallpapers are more costly than mass-market-oriented ones. Besides, high-quality and durable wallpapers will also add to the price. Make all the relevant measurements of the walls and get quotes from the manufacturer, to compare the suppliers and plan the budget accordingly.
  3. Safety – request quality certificates to ensure the safe nature of wallpapers, and thus, a healthy environment within the business space.
  4. Reliability – all the testimonials and feedbacks will help to check if the manufacturer’s claims are valid in real cooperation.

Business space isn’t only a facility for making money, but the environment that nurtures professionalism and comfort of the employees, as well as introduces business to the customers.

With the help of print-on-demand wallpapers, businesses can foster positive changes and personalization to their space, benefiting the team, their workflow, and, as a result, a better ROI.